Infinity 2.0.16 Patch Notes – 27 January 2024

Bug fixes following the recent release of Infinity 2.0.0.


  • Force Powers

    • Fixed issue with Force Powers where accuracy for and defense against were not being calculated correctly
      • Accuracy food will now affect force powers, and defensive food will work against powers
      • Because of the high accuracy, powers should hit almost 100% of the time


  • FRS

    • Overwhelming odds protection has always prevented FRS loss to victim if the power ratio of killer group to victim group is greater than 4:1
    • The same check now removes any FRS gain for the killer group if the power ratio is 4:1 or higher
    • FRS gains are the highest when groups have a comparable power rating


  • DOTs

    • Fixed issue with DOTs applying from New Player Terminal and screenplays


  • Buffs

    • Fixed issue with buffs not being overwritten in screenplays and GM buffs


  • Armor Resists on AI Agents

    • Resists should begin dropping when mitigated damage hits 10% of total HAM, down from 25%
    • We will continue to watch and monitor time to kill


  • Cries of Alderaan

    • Dead Eye Prototype is now available
    • It’s maximum accuracy buff is now +40 accuracy, not +60% accuracy
    • It lasts up to 15 minutes with a 2 hour cooldown


  • Miscellaneous

    • Fixed 10 second cooldown on /village command
    • Shuttle Immunity Timer reduced to 10 seconds for all travel points