Infinity 2.0.4 Patch Notes – 9 January 2024

Bug fixes following the recent release of Infinity 2.0.0


  • Warcry Skill

    • Warcry1 once again is working. My apologies to the padawans out there fighting for your lives.


  • SEA Extraction Tool

    • Fixed issue with Extract SEAs menu option showing when no SEA Tools are in inventory.


  • Lightsaber Accuracy

    • Fixed the Lightsaber Accuracy mod on several lightsaber types, mostly double-bladed lightsabers. You should find it easier to hit stuff now.


  • Vendors in private structures 

    • Fixed an issue with placing vendors in private structures
    • You can drop them while structure is private, but can’t enable vendor search if private.
    • Setting a house to private will disable vendor search on all vendors.


  • Placing structures

    • Players will receive some additional debug information when attempting to place a structure in a no-build zone.