Infinity 2.0.0 Release Date Announcement


Infinity 2.0.0 is a significant update for Infinity, moving beyond publish 10.

It includes hundreds  of bug fixes, gameplay enhancements, and introduces a new game engine.

The release plan involves two phases: first, updating the game server, followed by releasing a new launcher.

The game service update is scheduled for January 5, 2024, at 12:00 PM GMT/07:00 AM EST, with an expected downtime of two hours. Players are advised to close all game clients and follow Discord announcements for updates.

Release Plan


Friday 5 January 2023 – Infinity 2.0.0 Game Service Release

The Infinity game service will go offline while we deploy 2.0.0 and release an update for the current launcher.

Date: Friday 5 January 2024
Time: 12:00pm GMT / 07:00am EST
Estimated downtime: 2 hours

Please close all game clients and launcher instances. Keep your eyes peeled on Discord announcements for when to open the launcher and download the update.


Friday 12 January 2023 – Infinity New Launcher Release 

The new launcher boasts many new features such as:

  • Sentinel AntiCheat – to prevent players from gaining unfair advantage by tampering with the game
  • Automatic game login – Login to the launcher and tell it to remember your credentials, it will auto-login to game
  • Approved mods – We will be gradually releasing mods for players to install
  • Improved logging – to enable us to troubleshoot player problems and identify rule breakers 😉

Coming soon

  • Game server data – interesting stats from Infinity presented in real time
  • Friendslist – The ability to view your character friendlist from the launcher
  • Messaging – The ability to message people in game from the launcher
  • More to be announced

We will release download instructions in the coming days.

The current launcher will be decommissioned and players will be directed to the new launcher download.

Date: Friday 12 January 2024
Time: 12:00pm GMT / 07:00am EST
Estimated downtime: 20 minutes

Please close all game clients and launcher instances. Keep your eyes peeled on Discord announcements for when to open the launcher and download the update.


It is important to note

We have relied on players to help us with the testing of 2.0.0 and while we are confident the release will be stable, there will be differences and bugs as players login. We request that players raise support tickets in the #submit-a-ticket channel in discord and use the “Report Bug” tile.


Also very important to note…

Infinity 2.0.0 includes fixes to many systems that affect player experience. The combat queue is one of the biggest improvements. The game will feel different and it will take time to get used to it. Please remember this when reporting bugs, as it is often just a change in mechanics that feels different than a bug.


And finally

A huge “THANK YOU” to the team, MrObvious, Wickedhangover, Cyruss, PhatPuke, Deej, Lokii, Stepo and the team over at Swgemu for helping Infinity to flourish and benefit from this huge piece of work.

We have recently welcomed Kaare to the team. Kaare is working on some amazing things and we cannot wait to share them with you all.

Enjoy 2.0.0 and 2024, force be with you all,
